大竹村主要联外道路有:南北走向的大彰路(即一三九号县道,可北通彰化市,南达南投市)及东西走向的秋谦路(因感念本乡第七、 八届乡长许秋谦在任内促成拓宽而命名)与员草路(即一四八号县道)经过本村东北角龟仑一带。
Description of Our Community:
WunDe Elementary School of Fen-yuen Township, Chang-hua County, situated on Mesa Ba-gua, is at an altitude of 350 meters. The average temperature is two degrees lower than that of the ground level. Being the highest school in Chang-hua County , one can see the scenery of Chang-hua, Tai-chung and Nan-tou counties from the third floor of the school. Route 139, the national-standard bicycle trail, passes through here. The Movement of Reshaping Urban and Rural Landscape- Creating a Demonstration of Urban and Rural Landscape- miraculously transformed WunDe into a shining jewel in Bagua Mountains in 2006.
TaChu Village, where WunDe Elementary School is at, derived its name from “Ta Chu Wei”, a settlement where theold-time villagers planted bamboos around their houses to block strong winds and burglars. Located on the southwest of Fen-yuen Township, Chang-hua County, the village has an area of 3.76 square kilometers.. It borders Hsi-tou Village in the east, Nan-tou City in the south, Yuen-lin Township in the west and Chung-lun Village in the north.
TaChu Village as well as Chung-lun and Tung-an villages in the north are all on peneplain of Mesa Ba-gua. At an altitude of about 350-360 meters, it is the highest village in Chang-hua County. The villagers mainly reside on the peneplain of the west; i.e., on Ta-chang Road (Route 139). The warm and friendly villagers live a simple life by farming. The mountains are home to pineapple and plums. There are tourist attractions nearby, such as Old Water Trail and Pao-sheng Temple.
There are three major roads leading to the outside world. One is Ta-chang Road, which is also known as Route 139 and goes to Chang-hua City in the north. Another one is Chiu-chien Road, which runs east-west and was named after Chiu-chien Hsu, the seventh and eighth township master, in memory of his contribution to building the road. The last one is Yuen-tsao Road, which is also known as Route 148 and passes through Kui-lun, the northeastern part of the village.
大竹村主要聯外道路有:南北走向的大彰路(即一三九號縣道,可北通彰化市,南達南投市)及東西走向的秋謙路(因感念本鄉第七、 八屆鄉長許秋謙在任內促成拓寬而命名)與員草路(即一四八號縣道)經過本村東北角龜崙一帶。